I was unsure what the Golf Chiro Seminar would offer in addition to the education I have had previous from TPI and more chiropractic based seminars I have been on. Fortunately I was very satisfied with what was offered and shown over the weekend. The seminar itself was great, particularly as it had small numbers as we had the chance to ask questions and make the most of the knowledge that was presented. It was also very specific to how to deal with golfers, but it was able to connect the dots that other seminars have left out. It also showed me how to integrate the different aspects of my care; the instrument work, the ART and the TPI screening. When dealing with golfers, it also gave a basic 'strategy' or plan on how to to work with the golfers during the course of the week to get them ready for game day. Additionally, I was introduced to new avenues to move forward with in my future practise allowing me to develop further. I would recommend this course to those who want to work with any level of 'serious golfers', it is very tailored for the care of golfers.
I would highly recommend this course for any kind of therapist whether this be physio/chiropractor/sports therapist or sports rehabilitator. Although the title suggests it may only be applicable to golf I learnt Great techniques to apply to different patients from different sporting backgrounds. Each area of the course was presented really well and due to the limited spaces it allowed a lot of hands on practical work to be complete this meant the taught techniques could be practiced. This course gives an excellent insight into the world of professional golf injury’s and suggested treatment methods. This course gives you a great opportunity to see how a practitioner with a high level of professional experience treats and diagnoses injuries. It also helps you to understand the role and application of different treatment methods and how to incorporate them together to improve your rehabilitation skills. No matter your base level of experience I’m sure you will pick up a lot of good innovating treatment techniques to use in clinic or with professional athletes. You will also learn about a collection of different courses to complete in the future to really expand your injury diagnosis and treatment.
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